Jan. 3 – Amnesty International Monthly Meeting

Join us for our monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 3, from 6:30 – 8:30 pm in the den at the Mosaic Coffee House, 4401 2nd Ave NE. First half hour is letter writing and socializing. Meeting starts at 7 pm.

Actions will include Chinese New Years cards to Shi Tao in prison in China since April 2005 for sending an e-mail to a US based democracy website about government orders to the media to downplay an upcoming Tiananmen Square crackdown anniversary.  Upcoming events to be discussed include a protest on Weds., Jan. 11, 5-6 pm, at the Jackson Federal Building, on the 10th anniversary of  prisoners arriving at Guantanamo (details, including a social media action, to be posted soon).

Other topics and actions you can take include:

Justice for Melissa Roxas and other victims of state-sponsored human rights violations in the Philippines.  Melissa is an American citizen who was abducted and tortured in May 2009. Information at: http://justiceformelissa.org/

Take action for housing as a human right in the US as part of AI’s Demand Dignity Campaign online at: www.amnestyusa.org/foreclosures

To be added to newsletter list for Demand Dignity, send email to demanddignity@aiusa.org

The Mosaic Coffee House is a nonprofit coffee house located in Seattle First Church (behind the Dick’s Drive In on 45th Street in the Wallingford Neighborhood). Check for directions, free parking and bus line information at:http://www.mosaiccoffeehouse.org/directions.htm

Facebook event at: https://www.facebook.com/events/125035984281057/

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