Join Amnesty International, Washington State Religious Campaign Against Torture, and other justice activists on Weds. January 11, 5-6 pm in front of the Jackson Federal Building to
**Protest indefinite imprisonment without charges on the 10th Anniversary of the arrival of prisoners at Guantanamo. 171 prisoners remain at Guantanamo. Many have been cleared of any role in combat. Hardly any have been charged with a crime.
**Protest torture and other inhumane treatment of prisoners anywhere
**Protest Congress and the President’s action to “legalize” indefinite detention without charges or trial, and other violations of the Bill of Rights (part of the recently passed & signed into law NDAA, National Defense Authorization Act of 2012)
Wednesday January 11, 2012, 5-6 pm, on sidewalk outside of the Jackson Federal Building, 2nd avenue between Madison and Marion, downtown Seattle; if you can please bring a candle in a container to protect against wind (paper cups with holes in bottom work) and if you can, a sign indicating your opposition to indefinite detention and torture and/or your support of the Bill of Rights.
The Seattle Vigil will be one of many actions around the country. See the National Religious Campaign Against Torture website and also Amnesty International USA‘s Day of Action website for more information.
Washington State Religious Campaign Against Torture (WSRCAT), National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT), Amnesty International-Group 4, Amnesty International USA, Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation, Code Pink, American Civil Liberties Union-Washington (ACLU-WA). Additional co-sponsors are being added.
Facebook event for vigil at:
Additional action you can take:
Please watch and forward our new Amnesty International comedy/satire short film Happy World Travel about Guantanamo, indefinite detention, torture and Islamophobia to promote Amnesty International’s Global Day of Action to Close Guantanamo. Please email the film to friends and share it on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.
Link to Happy World Travel: