Events & Meetings

Group 4 Meetings

Monthly Group 4 meetings are held in a hybrid format (both in person and on zoom). Please email for information about attending the zoom portion of the meeting.

Our meetings are now held on the third Tuesday of every month at the library at the American Friends Service Committee in the U District (4001 9th Avenue NE) from 7:00 – 8:00 pm. (Please note the shift in scheduling from our previous first Tuesday of the month meetings!) Doors open ~6:45 for letter writing and socializing. Meeting starts at 7 pm. Stay tuned for further updates re: our meeting times!

Further information on AFSC (American Friends Service Committee), including map:

For a larger map and street view go to:

Best entrance on the west side of the courtyard off 9th Street (represented as a square in the upper building on the maps). The library is just left down the hall. The larger meeting room on the right hand side is in use by AFSC at the same time.

Our meetings are open to the public, and all are welcome.