Come join us at our March Monthly Meeting: Tuesday, March 7th, at the University Friends Service Committee U District offices at 4001 9th Avenue NE from 6:30 – 8:30PM.
We’ll be coming in like a lion, and going out like one too! On this month’s agenda:
1) A half-hour of letter-writing actions with introductions of any new members. News about upcoming events.
2) Update on the WA State Police Accountability legislation. Amnesty has withdrawn its support for this, as its become watered down past the point of usefulness.
3) No Ban, No Walls: our nation-wide fight against discriminatory immigration policies.
4) Democracy in Action: group discussion and votes on the resolutions being introduced at the Annual General Meeting in Albuquerque next weekend.
Hope to see you there. For a map and street view go to: