December Meeting! (and Meeting Time Changes)

The December Group 4 Amnesty Meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 17th, at the University Friends Service Committee U District offices at 4001 9th Avenue NE from 7:00 – 8:00PM. We’d love to see you. For a map and street view go to:

We will also have a hybrid virtual option for those who cannot make it in person! For information on attending the meeting via zoom, please email

On the agenda:

  • Write for Rights event updates
  • Screening of the short documentary “Fighting to Live, While Waiting to Die” about federal death row prisoner Billie Allen. AIUSA is using his case as a platform to call for President Biden to commute the sentences of prisoners in federal and military death rows before January 20th. You can also take action on Billie Allen’s case here!
  • Updates on our case commitment

You may have noticed that this month’s meeting is once again on the third Tuesday of the month, as opposed to the first. Given how well shifting the meeting worked the last three months, our group has elected to keep the change in schedules for the foreseeable future. Please get in touch if you have any comments or questions about our meeting schedules!

We hope to see you there!

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