Oct. 2 – Amnesty International Monthly Meeting

Join us for our monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 2, from 6:30 – 8:30 pm in the den at the Mosaic Coffee House, 4401 2nd Ave NE. First half hour is letter writing and socializing. Meeting starts at 7 pm.

Topics & updates likely to included: working to free members of the Russian band Pussy Riot; work to abolish the death penalty including the 1 year anniversary of Troy Davis’ death, Reggie Clemons’ hearing and other cases, and the upcoming Washington Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty meeting on October 13; and women’s human rights including work to pass the Senate version of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) including protections for Native American & Alaska Native women, immigrant women and LGBT survivors; and Guantanamo updates including the death of  Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif and transfer of  Omar Khadr to Canada.

See Fall Core Action Guide for further ideas:


See also still to relevant op-ed on torture by AI Washington State Area Coordinator Larry Ebersole from the June 20 edition of Real Change:


The Mosaic Coffee House is a nonprofit coffee house located in Seattle First Church (behind the Dick’s Drive In on 45th Street in the Wallingford Neighborhood). Check for directions, free parking and bus line information at:http://www.mosaiccoffeehouse.org/directions.htm


Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/403939749672128/

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