No Dec. Meeting, Join Us for Our Write-a-thon

No December meeting (although we do have a new meeting place at the AFSC  office in the U District starting in January!). Join us instead for our annual write-a-thon on Sunday, December 7, 2014 from 4- 7 pm at Victrola Coffee and Art, 411 15th St E, Seattle, in the cafe’s meeting room.


Every year, around Human Rights Day on 10 December, hundreds of thousands of people around the world send a message to someone they’ve never met. Letter writing has always been at the core of Amnesty’s work, and 53 years of human rights activism show that letters really do have the power to change lives.

This year’s cases include prisoners of conscience from China, Occupied Palestinian Territories and Saudi Arabia; justice for a father whose two sons were shot to death in Brazil, victims of the 1984 gas leak and continuing environmental damage in Bhopal, India; and for women and girls who miscarry in El Salvador sentenced for homicide; a man sentenced to death in Nigeria following a confession due to torture; justice for Chelsea Manning, survivors of torture by the Chicago police  and firearms victims in the US.

Further information about AI’s write-a-thon  at:

Victrola Coffee and Art:

Event Facebook page:

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