Feb. 1 – Join us for our Monthly Meeting!

Join us for our monthly meeting on Tuesday February 1, from 6:30 – 8:30 pm in the den at the Mosaic Coffee House, 4401 2nd Ave NE. First half hour is letter writing and socializing. Meeting starts at 7 pm.

We will be discussing Amnesty International USA’s latest Core Action packet (available at: http://amnestyusa.org/coreaction ) and upcoming events including an evening of letter writing to help end maternal mortality at Cafe Allegro on Weds. Feb. 9, 6-9 pm; and a reading at the Green Lake Branch of the Seattle Public Library on Sat. Feb. 26, 4-5 pm: Poets and Writers Demand Accountability for Victims of Gaza and Israel.

Click here to take action to demand justice for all victims of the conflict in Israel/Gaza, or come to our meeting and/or event to write a letter.

The Mosaic Coffee House is a nonprofit coffee house located in Seattle First Church (behind the Dick’s Drive In on 45th Street in the Wallingford Neighborhood). Check for directions, free parking and bus line information at: http://www.mosaiccoffeehouse.org/directions.html

Our Facebook event page for the meeting is at:


Feel free to rsvp if you want, or just show up!

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