Welcome to AIUSA Group 4’s New Website!

Welcome to the new website for AIUSA Group 4, Seattle’s local Amnesty International group!

We meet monthly at 6:30 pm on the first Tuesday of each month in the den (meeting room) of the Mosaic Coffee House, 4401 2nd Ave NE, Seattle.  Our first half hour is for letter writing on Amnesty’s cases and a chance to socialize. Business starts at 7 pm, and we try to finish by 8:30 pm. All are welcome!

Check out our Events & Meetings page for more information and upcoming events, including our booth at the Fremont Fair on June 19 & 20, and a rally in support of Georgia death row inmate Troy Davis on Tues. June 22 (the day before his evidentiary hearing, which was ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court).

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