June 3 – Exposing the Truth of U.S. Torture

Join us and our allies on June 3, 2014 for:

Exposing the Truth of U.S. Torture: Restoring Human Dignity and the Rule of Law

The Washington State Religious Campaign Against Torture (WSRCAT) invites all to a presentation “Exposing the Truth of U.S. Torture: Restoring Human Dignity and the Rule of Law” featuring Brig. General David R. Irvine of The Constitution Project, and a panel of activists.

Tuesday June 3, 2014, 7:30 p.m., at University Temple United Methodist Church, 1415 NE 43rd Street, Seattle, free admission.

Information http://www.wsrcat.org

Brig. General David R. Irvine

Brig. General David R. Irvine

Brig. General David R. Irvine was an Army Reserve strategic intelligence officer who taught prisoner interrogation and military law for 18 years. He is a member of the bipartisan Task Force on Detainee Treatment of the nonprofit organization, The Constitution Project, which spent over two years compiling a 600 page report on U.S. held detainees at Guantánamo, Afghanistan, Iraq, and CIA “black sites”. This report is available for the world to see at http://detaineetaskforce.org/read/

In contrast, the Senate Intelligence Committee report on the Central Intelligence Agency’s detention and interrogation program cost the taxpayers $40 million, and has yet to be released to the public.

The MC of this important program will be University of Washington Prof. Rob Crawford, a co-founder of WSRCAT.

Panelists include:

The Rev. Rich Lang, Pastor of University Temple United Methodist Church, a consistent voice for global and local justice.

Professor Beth Rivin, a pediatrician, Director of University of Washington’s Global Health and Justice Project

Scott Roehm, Senior Counsel, Rule of Law Program, The Constitution Project.

Sponsors of the event include the national organizations: The Constitution Project; KARAMAH: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights; National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT).

A growing list of local sponsors includes: American Civil Liberties Union of Washington State (ACLU-WA); American Friends Service Committee of Seattle; Amnesty International USA including Group 4, Seattle; Board of Church & Society, Pacific NW Conference, United Methodist Church; Church Council of Greater Seattle (CCGS); Faith Action Network; Interfaith Network of Concern for the People of the Middle East (INOC); Lutheran Peace Fellowship; Philippine-United States Solidarity Organization (PUSO); Seattle Chapter Fellowship of Reconciliation; Service and Justice Mission Team of University Christian Church/Disciples of Christ; United Nations Association Greater Seattle Chapter; University of Washington Center for Human Rights; Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility; Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation.

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