July 7 – Amnesty International Meeting – Picnic Planning & More!

Join us for our monthly meeting on Tuesday, July 7, at the library at the University Friends Meeting House (4001 9th Avenue NE) from 6:30 – 8:30 pm.  First half hour is letter writing and socializing. Meeting starts at 7 pm.

Picnic planning for later this summer will be one item on the agenda!

Directions and map to the University Friends Meeting House at:


New attempt at directions that don’t get people lost:

University Friends Meeting House is the building north of AFSC, which I had mistakenly been giving directions to. AFSC (American Friends Service Committee) is kind of dark and deserted at night (though it will still be light at 6:30 now that it’s getting near summer). There’s a courtyard around the U shaped upper building. Actually entering on the right side of the inner part of the U is best (which is near the big meeting room, in use by Friends on Tuesdays). Turn left and walk to the end of the hall for the library space where AI is meeting.

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