Write a letter. Change a life.
Our virtual Write for Rights event is today! The registration page is here. Happy International Human Rights Day! During the past several days, I’ve been focusing on each of the seven Write for Rights cases. Today, I’ll focus on Teyonna Lofton, a rising star who experienced gun violence here in the United States.
On May 31 of this year, Teyonna Lofton’s friends, teachers and family drove by her home to celebrate her upcoming graduation from Perspectives Leadership Academy, a high school in Chicago, Illinois. As the National Honor Society vice president of her school, she was excited about her future and looking forward to attending Louisiana State University in the fall. However, when she visited a local gas station to get something to drink, a vehicle pulled up to the socially-distanced line that had formed outside the station; and shots were fired from the vehicle at those waiting in line. A bullet struck a major artery in Teyonna Lofton’s left arm; and the injuries she sustained required a number of surgeries. She’s now in therapy, relearning the use of her hand; and her plans for college have been deferred. Join us later today to write letters urging for Teyonna Lofton’s compensation under Illinois state law and for the arrest of those responsible for this shooting.
To learn more about Teyonna Lofton’s case, please click here or here. Go here to take action online urging for the capture of those responsible for the shooting, as well as for compensation for Teyonna Lofton. To learn more about gun violence and Amnesty International’s fight against it, click here.