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Tag Archives: amnestyskylinehighschool
Virtual Write for Rights (WA) event on December 10 from 6pm to 8pm
Although I still plan to write letters later today, our virtual Write for Rights event is finished. Fortunately, it went well. The number of people who attended doesn’t matter as much as the fact that people took time out of … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Amnesty International, amnestybellingham, amnestykentridgehighschool, amnestyseattle, amnestyskylinehighschool, amnestystlouis, human rights day, write for rights
Comments Off on Virtual Write for Rights (WA) event on December 10 from 6pm to 8pm
Virtual Write for Rights (WA) event on December 10 from 6pm to 8pm
Write a letter. Change a life. Our virtual Write for Rights event is today! The registration page is here. Happy International Human Rights Day! During the past several days, I’ve been focusing on each of the seven Write for Rights cases. … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Amnesty International, amnestybellingham, amnestykentridgehighschool, amnestyseattle, amnestyskylinehighschool, amnestystlouis, gun violence, humanrights, right to life, teyonna lofton
Comments Off on Virtual Write for Rights (WA) event on December 10 from 6pm to 8pm
Virtual Write for Rights (WA) event on December 10 from 6pm to 8pm
Write a letter. Change a life. Our virtual Write for Rights event is only a day away. The registration page is here. As we near December 10, International Human Rights Day, I’m focusing on each of the seven Write for Rights … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Amnesty International, amnestybellingham, amnestykentridgehighschool, amnestyseattle, amnestyskylinehighschool, amnestystlouis, asylum-seekers, COVID-19, humanrights, ICE detention centers, unwanted surgeries
Comments Off on Virtual Write for Rights (WA) event on December 10 from 6pm to 8pm
Virtual Write for Rights (WA) event on December 10 from 6pm to 8pm
Write a letter. Change a life. Our virtual Write for Rights event is only two days away. The registration page is here. As we near December 10, International Human Rights Day, I’m focusing on each of the seven Write for Rights … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Amnesty International, amnestybellingham, amnestykentridgehighschool, amnestyseattle, amnestyskylinehighschool, amnestystlouis, humanrights, LGBTI+ rights, Melike Balkan, metupridedefenders, Özgür Gür, Turkey
Comments Off on Virtual Write for Rights (WA) event on December 10 from 6pm to 8pm
Virtual Write for Rights (WA) event on December 10 from 6pm to 8pm
Write a letter. Change a life. Our virtual Write for Rights event is just a couple of days away. The registration page is here. As we near December 10, International Human Rights Day, I’m focusing on each of the seven Write … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Amnesty International, amnestybellingham, amnestykentridgehighschool, amnestyseattle, amnestyskylinehighschool, amnestystlouis, humanrights, nassimaal-sada, saudiarabia, womensrights
Comments Off on Virtual Write for Rights (WA) event on December 10 from 6pm to 8pm
Virtual Write for Rights (WA) event on December 10 from 6pm to 8pm
Write a letter. Change a life. Our virtual Write for Rights event is just days away. The registration page is here. As we near December 10, International Human Rights Day, I’m focusing on one of the seven Write for Rights cases each … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Amnesty International, amnestybellingham, amnestykentridgehighschool, amnestyseattle, amnestyskylinehighschool, amnestystlouis, enforceddisappearances, forceddisappearances, human rights, idriskhattak, pakistan
Comments Off on Virtual Write for Rights (WA) event on December 10 from 6pm to 8pm
Virtual Write for Rights (WA) event on December 10 from 6pm to 8pm
Write a letter. Change a life. Our virtual Write for Rights event is only a few days away. The registration page for the event is here. As we approach December 10, International Human Rights Day, I’d like to focus on one … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged amazonrainforest, Amnesty International, amnestybellingham, amnestykentridgehighschool, amnestyseattle, amnestyskylinehighschool, amnestystlouis, colombia, human rights, janisilva
Comments Off on Virtual Write for Rights (WA) event on December 10 from 6pm to 8pm
Virtual Write for Rights (WA) event on December 10 from 6pm to 8pm
Write a letter. Change a life. Our virtual Write for Rights event is less than a week away. I’d like to welcome Amnesty International St Louis (Group 105), which has recently joined us to host the event. The registration page … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Amnesty International, amnestybellingham, amnestykentridgehighschool, amnestyseattle, amnestyskylinehighschool, amnestystlouis, burundi, germainrukuki, human rights
Comments Off on Virtual Write for Rights (WA) event on December 10 from 6pm to 8pm