Join us for our monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 5, from 6:30 – 8:30 pm in the den at the Mosaic Coffee House, 4401 2nd Ave NE. First half hour is letter writing and socializing. Meeting starts at 7 pm.
Topics include:
Syria DieIn Action in May will be noted and follow ups listed
Elaboration on the importance of the May 4, NWIRP “talk” and May 19th “One America Events” that provided an prologue for the currently successful legal actions to decrease racial profiling based on presumption of national origin by Border Patrol and other “authorities” at the Northern Border of WA!
Recognition of June 3rd Tiananmen Square Memorial/rally for human rights in China
June 16/17th Fremont Solstice Fair: sign ups to help on info booth, and types of topics to discuss then/there;
June 23/4: Seattle GLBT-Pride Days – if anyone is interested in participation;
June 24-26th Actions – see that will link to how to take
phone call action to the White House and will be a resource for the many June 26th events organized;
For Maher Arar and the importance of “The Apology” see,
Seattle June 26th: Vigil and Dramatic Reading, “International Day in Support of Torture Survivors” – Jackson Federal Building, 2nd Ave and Madison, 6pm to 8pm. Bring a poem or prose statement by a favorate author that expresses your own concern for the issues – the poems and prose pieces will be used by the AIUSA Lobby Delegation to local Congress in early July (Signup for lobby is only via AIUSA online, see lobby delegation). June 26 is sponsored by AIUSA in WA, WSRCAT, among other sponsors. Info:
The Mosaic Coffee House is a nonprofit coffee house located in Seattle First Church (behind the Dick’s Drive In on 45th Street in the Wallingford Neighborhood). Check for directions, free parking and bus line information at:
Facebook page for June meeting at: